Back pain, leg pain, and neck pain are common pains that make you consult a physiotherapist. The restlessness and pinching inflammations that you feel may be a result of an old injury or because of your wrong postures. However, there are a lot of exercises that a physiotherapist would guide you to perform in every session.
Physiotherapy Ashford Kent involves various therapeutic exercises that are designed to improve mobilization, posture, and strength. We have come up with 5 physiotherapy exercises that you can do at home as well. Make sure you do these exercises 3 to 4 times a week for better results.
Single-Leg Squats
Single leg squats are great for stabilizing your leg muscles and ease them of the stress and restlessness. To do this exercise, you have to begin by standing on one leg. Now, push your hip backward as if you are about to sit and make a single leg squat position. Now return to the standing positions. Do at least 5 to 10 repetitions in a single set of squats. Make sure you repeat the single squats on both legs one to by one to keep a balance between the muscle strength of your legs.
Double Knee To Chest
This exercise is to strengthen your lumbar spine muscles as it stretches your hip and lower back. You will feel more relaxed from the lower back pain as it relieves the stress in the spinal nerves. Lie down on your back with your legs outstretched. Now bring both your legs up with the knees up to your chest. Take a hold of your knees by taking your hands below the knee area just on the top of the shin or the back of your thighs. Slowly bring your knees towards your chest and hold for at least 10 seconds before releasing. Repeat the process for 5 times.
Recruitment Of Glute Max Muscle
This is a bridge exercise in which you have to lie down on your back in a way that the gluteus muscles are stretched and strengthened. This is a simple exercise, but you have to make sure to maintain a straight bride position. Lie down on your back with the knees bent up. Keep your back up with a small arch. Without clutching onto your hamstrings or butts, raise your lower body up in a straight bridge position and hold there for 10 seconds.
Lateral Rotators Exercise
In this exercise, the point is to strengthen the lateral rotators of the hip by lying on the side and lifting it against gravity. Make sure your hip muscles are tight before you start the exercise. Open your leg and lift it open like a clamp shell and drop it straight down. Repeat the same with the other leg.
Bridge With Ball
The basic bridge exercise is for the strengthening of your gluteus muscles, but it has different variations that make this exercise more beneficial for your back and legs as well. To do the bridge with ball exercise, you have to lie down on your back and hold a ball between your knees before bending them. This exercise also strengthens the inner thigh muscles. Now, lift your hips along with contracting the abdominals and squeeze the ball between your thighs. Hold on for a few seconds and release.
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